Thursday, December 13, 2012

1206 pm. Is. 4. Women... us. How can a total of 7 women just take hold of one man? It lead me to know the prophesy foretells the time when all the churches will call themselves Christians in name only because they will preach their own doctrines and explain their own interpretation of righteousness ignoring the commandments of God. They believe that in calling themselves Christians will take away their shame. I've been there and done that for 24 years, allowing someone else to interpret what God intended from the beginning for US to figure out by choice. I often think of Adam was alone and God gave him the same mind, spirit soul and body to devise choice. God wanted us to encounter mistakes to draw into a relationship with Him in forgiveness. Mistakes would be detected in our spirit and move us emotionally to guilt and guilt would compelled us to ask God not man for forgiveness. However through the years we've employed the kingship of priest in a box, who may have our sin or much worse resting in their souls. To think it is so easy to ask for forgiveness, a whisper a a belief. But somehow we are bullied into believing the constant crying out in pain and denying ourselves that God would be conned in to forgiveness. Do you think it was an over thought on our part? Think hard think wrong!! Someone told me years ago in a real estate course, keep it simple stupid and I've held to that for many years. Choice is simple, response is simple but we complicate it with reasoning to satisfying our own "feel good right now" ego. I don't believe God is that difficult, I don't believe His love is that hard, we make it difficult. So I lived those 24 years in shame still without knowing God's real intended love. Its like having a child locking it away from the word for years, then by universal design he is set free. The child is neither familiar with this world or ready for the world. Imagine if God did that to Adam, would the animals be named? Would there plants? Would there be an Eve? Don't deny yourself of choice think for yourself. Don't deny yourself of forgiveness, live without fear of mistakes.